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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="5/6"][rd_code_box][/rd_code_box][/vc_column][/vc_row]Newsworthy (00:01- 21:23) Izze- Amen (21:24- 24:47) Round 5(Movies) (24:48- 50:42) Lawren- Castro (50:43- 53:26) Interview with Lawren about Castro and Cuba (53:27- 1:57:06)...
Why do we need the bible if the Holy Spirit leads us in all we do? What is the purpose of the Bible? Jason...
News and Reviews (00:01-28:10) Osaze Murray - Midnight ft. Drew Smith & Stephen the Levite (28:11-31:34) Round 5 Top Christian-ish Films (31:35-54:28) FiveTwenty Collective...